
Showing posts from May, 2007

Rants From Yesteryear

So, I actually wrote the following post many months ago, when I was still a San Diego resident. It was probably incited by some lack of sexual activity on my part, and I quickly decided to let it sit on my electronic desktop rather than risk posting such anti-social material. Now I'm in Montana, once again afflicted with a lack of sexual activity. That, however, only parallels the real reasons I'm posting it now: A) I actually think its kind of funny; and B) Women in Montana are almost invariably larger than me. Maybe it is the fact that the staple diet here is 75% cattle products (the last store I was in had more than 30 varieties of beef jerky in bulk container "fill a bag to your heart's (stomach's?) content" style. Also, I have never seen produce aisles so devoid of real produce. Since when does a wall of bagged spinach count as produce? Forgive the pre-rant and please sit back and enjoy the full one... Circa early 2006 Time to piss everyone off...