Monday, September 25, 2006

We Interrupt This Broadcast...

In a cruelly ironic twist, whilst writing this bit about the time I put myself in the hospital I actually ended up in the hospital per an entirely unrelated event. Last weekend, after enduring several hours of wrenching pain in my digestive track, I finally succumbed to my roommmate's will and took a trip to the hospital. I was therein informed that my appendix would have to be removed within the next few hours. Being unable to perform such an operation myself, I resigned to the doctor's knife and got down to business.

What a worthless organ the appendix is. What the hell is it? What does it do? Whence has it come? All worthy questions. Wikipedia defines it as such: "Currently, the function of the appendix, if any, remains controversial in the field of human physiology." In my body, however, the function of the appendix seems quite obvious: to fall victim to inflammatory, catastrophic failure (a failure of an aforementioned, unknown function) and render me susceptible to great pain and general physical misery.

Thanks to this wonder-filled, vestigial organ, I underwent a laparoscopic surgery, which means instead of one, big cut into my abdomen, they made several small ones. Then they pumped my abdomen full of gas so that they could fit more things than there already are in this overly crowded area. Little cameras, knives, and other surgical-type instruments. Then they cut up my appendix from the inside and removed it piecemeal, sort of like some strange male abortion.

I spoke with one of my friends recently who, in reference to the ER story I interrupted to tell this ER story, called me "Captain Hospital." I felt the title was a little unnecessary, being that two visit to the hospital in 30 years hardly seem worthy of giving me a Captain rank and insignia. Not to mention this one really was outside my control. On the bright side, my nurses were cute. On the other hand, they collected my pee bottle the morning I was there. Nothing says handsome and self-reliant like dumping out someone's pee bottle. I shared a room with this crazy Persian guy who kept telling me how good he felt in between fits of vomiting blood in the bathroom. I think he had e-coli or something, though he was confident he was healthy. He works at P.F. Chang's in La Jolla and promised me free drinks, if anyone wants to head out there. Assuming he isn't dead or something.

While I've been house ridden, recovering from surgery, I chanced upon a film of some doctors actually performing a laparoscopic surgery. They had all the tubes and cameras and knives inserted into this person's abdomen and they were going to town, wrenching things this way and that, jerking things around and really using little to no gentleness whatsoever. I wondered, had my doctor been so violent? Then I started to think about how even the nurses and everyone else in the hospital would just jab and poke me and go about their job like it was a JOB, not like there are real humans on the other end of the needles they prodded around. I guess they were hardened to it and just wanted to get on with their days, which meant sticking one needle here just to move onto another needle in another arm. Needless to say, I think a little bit of courtesy and gentleness would go a long way. I mean, it isn't like I asked my appendix to burst. In the long run, I guess all of this is good since it offers me further incentive to stay out of the hospital. I can only hope that "Captain Hospital" is not a foreshadowing of things to come.

Thanks folks, for taking the time to appreciate my coincidence filled moment, and I now return you to your regularly scheduled program...


Unknown said...

Dang!!! well appendix free in '03 . . . um, wait, it's '07, i mean '06... hope you're recovery is as quick and painless as possible. . . however this may be the first example of not cooking with fire getting someone burned... my sagely medical advice to you is to start eating In&Out double-doubles weekly.... or at least subscribe to the "bacon of the month club."
get well friend, and don't sweat it; i mean it's an appendix, tons of books have'em, and 99% of the time they're useless.

the whole deal with the cute nurses and the pee bottle = classically unfortunate.

Dan said...

Did they insert the tube for expanding your abdomen by way of the cornhole? I knew you'd be able to work sodomy in somehow! Here's wishing you a speedy recovery so we can play guitars sometime. And if you get drinks at P.F. Chang's, I'd go with Pina Coladas so you can spot the blood that Persian guy hacks into them.

Jon said...

You've identified my primary fear here: organ faillure requiring immediate surgery.

Sorry you're laid up, but at least you can work some masturbatory fantasies involving the nurses and your pee. Pouring it over their heads and luxuriating in your man-waste, for example.

Or if you're feeling sporty, they could drink it in shots and yell at each other in german, before slapping each other and throwing themselves at your feet. Could be. You never know.

Delightful read in any case.