
Showing posts from August, 2008

Free Advice You’d Think More Of If You Had To Pay For It

[Editorial Disclaimer - 10/22/2009: I wrote this at a time when I was living in a significantly different frame of mind, at least in regard to dietary principles, and my typical lack of posting speed has kept it high enough on the blog queue that I figured it was worth a note. I stand by what it says - eating the way suggested here is undoubtedly of great health value - but I now have reservations about the primacy of raw foods in the human diet. This isn't to say, of course, that I have returned to eating a traditional, American diet. Not by a long shot. Perhaps, sometime, I will expound upon the topic.] Amidst the expansive, capitalist book stacks of Barnes & Noble, I see all the familiar categories: Science Fiction, History, Reference, Art, Children’s, Fiction, etc. One heading, however, stands out, its associated shelves much longer than I recall seeing them in years before. “Health” has become a huge section in the modern incarnation of the former, town book seller...