
Showing posts from September, 2007

Student Discipline Report

Student : Joyce, James – Sophomore class Offense : Plagiarism Remarks : Having just turned in his cumulative piece of creative fiction for the term, I was immediately struck by the similarities between James’ work and a novel we read earlier in the term. His work, which he titles Ulysses , seems markedly similar in thematic form and structure to Homer’s The Odyssey , which we finished reading several weeks ago. Upon deeper investigation, I uncovered a multitude of thematic ideas, apparently lifted, wholesale, from Homer’s work. After reviewing several chapters of James’ lengthy piece I had already accumulated enough evidence to find him guilty of plagiarism. Such evidence includes the use of names and chapter titles identical to those that Homer uses. Nowhere is this content cited as Homer’s own. Furthermore, the tale finds James’ characters on quests virtually identical to those that Homer sends his characters on, such as Stephen Dedalus, a character that James seems to parall...