Changing Times, Unchanging Ways
Regarding the alleged impact of global warming, I recently read the following statement: "'Current crops are adapted to the current climate. Start changing that and you change everything,' Fowler said. 'Plant breeders will have to be designing totally new varieties.'" This, in a nutshell, is the crux of the problem with humanity. Not the statement itself, but the philosophy that drives it. This statement reveals that the speaker, like most people, places himself on a pedestal that is outside the reach of the rest of the natural world and universe. The statement assumes that if climate changes, the natural world will not adapt with it. It assumes that only by the hand of human intervention will the world continue to move along its course. It posits man as God, subjugating the lesser forms about Him to His righteous and proper will. It displays the great falsity in human understanding of the universe: that humanity must and will exist forever. A state...