"Freedom 'Ain't Free" and Other Contradictory Absurdities

Phew! Haven’t been here in a while. My apologies go out to the two or three regular readers I don’t have. The thing is, I have run into a problem with the blog format. This blog began as a tribute, of sorts, to the general ludicrosity of an exuberant lifestyle. However, as my intuitive roommate is quick to remind me, “Dana, you’re just not very exciting.” Never has the truth been more poignant. Thus have I been at a lack for blog-worthy material, being neither foolish and drunk enough to re-ignite myself nor, lately, hugely fond of the herbal intoxicant that fostered my seminal blog entry. I guess, at 30 years old, I just feel a little less interested in college “road trip” adventure stories and a bit more interested in the usual, opinionated chatter that so many intellectual adults idly engage in. That said, my ravenous fans will forgive me for any change in direction that comes over this once young, vibrant, and “exciting” blog.
So, to get to another point, I recently wa...